Richie Patterson Olympic Weightlifting Course


Perfect for Personal Trainers, Strength & Conditioning coaches, Students, Athletes and CrossFitters. Learn the basic progressions of the Olympic lifts with the top down teaching method with 3 x Olympian and Commonwealth Champion Richie Patterson.

Snatch and Clean & Jerk will be covered in detail along with accessory movements.

This workshop is for all levels.

Space is limited so you get the most out of it.

Richie Patterson’s Masterton Olympic Weightlifting Workshop – 5 & 6 June 2021

The format of Richie’s Olympic Weightlifting weekend workshops are Sat 10-12pm (12-1pm lunch) 1-3pm & Sun 9am – 12pm (12-1pm lunch) 1 – 2pm – total of 8 hours coached.

Times for the clinic may change, please refer to FB event for up to date event detail information.

This workshop now registers CPD points with the Register of Exercise Professionals for gym instructors and personal trainers that are working out of a reps registered facility. Please let us know you will be claiming these points on your registration form below.

No refunds will be issued. No transfers will be considered within 1 month of the Workshop. You can arrange your own transfer and advise us.

Richie Patterson – the facts:

3 x Olympian (Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio 2016 )

4 x Commonwealth Games representative (Melbourne 2006, Delhi 2010, Glasgow 2014, Gold Coast 2018)

Commonwealth Champion (Glasgow 2014)

With 22 years experience as a competitive weightlifter, having broken numerous New Zealand Olympic weightlifting records – he brings both experience as an athlete and elite level coach – having developed a coaching methodology learned from numerous coaches worldwide.

With a bachelor’s degree in coaching, Richie’s strength lies in his delivery methods – having now coached/delivered to hundreds of athletes/coaches/trainers across New Zealand and Australia – this course will help you on your way no matter what your current level.

Book your place now!

Limited places left so don’t delay…