Team Sassfit
Competitive Functional Fitness AthletesOur box caters for both social and competitive functional fitness athletes.
Our box has a fair spread of social and competitive athletes, so there’s no pressure to compete, but if you want to succeed then we will help you to achieve your goals.
What competitive functional fitness looks like
There are many functional fitness competitions across New Zealand. Some are local or regional and some are world wide. The sport of functional fitness has grown in popularity over the years with some mainstream TV channels recently showing footage from The New Zealand Nationals. The CrossFit Games® The Open is also another popular event for our athletes here at the box which involves online qualifiers which we hold here at SASS Fit.
The great thing about competitive fitness is that it is for everyone, with many of the competitions offering scaled, beginner and novice categories. If you explore the events page of our site, you will find a list of events and competitions which are running throughout the year.
The sport has a healthy masters scene with lots of varying age categories, with scaled and RX options. RX being the highest suggested option for your age category.
The Competition Team

Team SASSFit Discipline Games (Auckland) team and supporters
Latest News from the Team SASSFit Crew
Masters League Open Qualifiers
A short edited video of the Masters League 21.1 WOD. (workout terminology here)What is Masters League? Masters league is a competition...
Want to know more?
Drop us a line to find out how you can join Team SASS Fit or become a member of our box.